We are Passionate About Improving Outcomes for Prevention and Treatment

Less than 40% of people with mood disorders experience significant improvement with medication, talk therapy or both.  And nearly 30% of people with mood disorders also have other confounding medical issues. By helping health and behavioral health providers translate research about the mind-body connection into practice, we can improve prevention and treatment programs and people's overall quality of life.

Individual Online Learning

We strive to help you stay up to date with current integrative behavioral health research and best practices through links to YouTube Videos, current white papers and our e-journal which is emailed to members each month.  

We encourage participation from members who want to submit videos, research papers or links to best practice guidelines that they have found.  The goal is to create an interactive, online community.


 Many of the boards and agencies out there that currently offer certifications require people to have advanced education (bachelor's or master's degrees).  While we recognize that advanced education can be very beneficial and is often required for someone to practice independently, it is a barrier to those who want to improve their skills, but do not have those credentials. As such, our certifications require quite a bit of training to make sure you have the requisite knowledge, skills and abilities, but do not require a college degree.

Training to meet the certification requirements can come from a variety of approved sources.  Certification also requires passing a comprehensive exam and completing a supervised internship in your area.

Consultation Groups

As we grow, it is our hope that members will actively participate in weekly consultation groups using  Zoom.

Consultation groups are facilitated by IAIHP staff and open only to members to allow for more open discussion.  When you register as a member, you will receive an email with a link to the Zoom room.

Improving Health and Wellness is Our Passion

Explore some of the resources that are available for free.

Our Staff

IAIBHP is still in its infancy.  We are currently recruiting board members.

If you are interested in serving as a board member, email dr.snipes@integrativehealthprofessionals.org

Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes

Executive Director


Credentialing Director


Website Maintenance




Journal Editor


Conference Coordinator

Get In Touch with Us


1633 W. Main St. #902

Lebanon, TN 37087

Phone Number: 615-220-6005

Email: support@integrativebehavioralhealth.org